WPCP and RPCP prior year pupil attendance requirement to include SNSP pupils; transfers from RPCP or MPCP to WPCP when pupil’s residence changes - SB608
public landPublic land, see also State park
Homelessness: pay for performance grant requirements; structured camping facilities on public property; housing navigator grants; JRCCP may report and Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - AB604
Insecticide use near pollinator habitat on land maintained by DNR prohibited, limited exceptions - AB472
Insecticide use near pollinator habitat on land maintained by DNR prohibited, limited exceptions - SB455
Pierce County Islands Wildlife Area: restoration projects funding [Sec. 355; A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, Sec. 148, 150] - AB68
Pierce County Islands Wildlife Area: restoration projects funding [Sec. 355] - SB111
Property development activities on DNR properties: grant funding [A.Amdt.9 to A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 157m] - AB68
Public access report on lands owned or managed by DNR, acquired by the Stewardship Program, and open MFL - AB672
Public access report on lands owned or managed by DNR, acquired by the Stewardship Program, and open MFL - SB615
public land _ salePublic land — Sale
Sale of state-owned property controlled by DNR: expand purposes for which proceeds may be used - AB61
Sale of state-owned property controlled by DNR: expand purposes for which proceeds may be used [S.Amdt.1: further revisions, report required] - SB64
Sale of surplus real property owned by DOT - AB431
Sale of surplus real property owned by DOT - SB430
public lands board of commissioners ofPublic Lands, Board of Commissioners of
BCPL authorized to issue loans to assist municipal utilities maintain liquidity, sunset provision - AB1
BCPL authorized to issue loans to assist municipal utilities maintain liquidity, sunset provision - SB136
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes: specific appropriation created [Sec. 489, 490] [original bill only] - AB68
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes: specific appropriation created [Sec. 489, 490] - SB111
BCPL payments in lieu of taxes sum sufficient appropriation [A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 87, 164] - AB68
Gifts and grants: continuing appropriation created [Sec. 491; A.Sub.Amdt.2: Sec. 88] - AB68
Gifts and grants: continuing appropriation created [Sec. 491] - SB111
public liabilityPublic liability, see also Claims; Worker's compensation
Civil liability claims against law enforcement officers: public official immunity as a defense eliminated; indemnification provision - AB186
Civil liability claims against law enforcement officers: public official immunity as a defense eliminated; indemnification provision - SB295
public libraryPublic library, see Libraries
public notaryPublic notary, see Notary public
public officersPublic officers, see also Ethics; Legislature — Member; specific title
Battery to public officer: felony expanded to include threats and bodily harm or threats to harm family members - AB409
Battery to public officer: felony expanded to include threats and bodily harm or threats to harm family members - SB403
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - AB21
Elections Commission required to reimburse counties and municipalities for certain costs re special primaries and special elections for state office - SB21
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB251
Impersonating a public officer, public employee, or employee of a utility with intent to mislead: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - SB257
Influencing social media Internet sites to censor, deplatform, or shadow ban users: prohibiting state agency employees, federal agency employees in this state, state elected officials, and state individuals elected to U.S. Congress from doing or attempting; forfeiture provision - AB590
Influencing social media Internet sites to censor, deplatform, or shadow ban users: prohibiting state agency employees, federal agency employees in this state, state elected officials, and state individuals elected to U.S. Congress from doing or attempting; forfeiture provision - SB582
Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements - AB51
Noncandidacy for incumbent local elected officials: public notice requirements - SB52
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - AB359
Non-judicial elective state officials required to serve as election officials; Senate, Assembly, and legislative committees prohibited from meeting on election days - SB363
Wisconsin Celebrating Women in Public Office Day: March 19 proclaimed as - AJR20
public ownershipPublic ownership, see Waterworks
Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] [original bill only] - AB68
Broadband mapping data: Internet providers required to report certain information for PSC to use; public records law exception [Sec. 2426] - SB111
Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers - AB746
Public records law changes re certain records relating to law enforcement officers - SB714
Public records location fee [Sec. 246, 9351 (2)] [original bill only] - AB68
Public records location fee [Sec. 246, 9351 (2)] - SB111
Records and correspondence of legislative members: exclusion from "public records" definition eliminated - SB289
public records boardPublic Records Board
Records and correspondence of legislative members: exclusion from "public records" definition eliminated - SB289
public safetyPublic safety, see also Consumer protection; Fire
Chemical recovery boilers: frequency of periodic inspections - AB497
Chemical recovery boilers: frequency of periodic inspections - SB466
DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys [A.Amdt.1: further revisions] - AB777
DOA grants to political subdivisions to combat crime re additional policing, strategic planning, uniformed beat patrol, and public safety goals; DOJ and report provisions; Governor to allocate certain federal moneys - SB752
First aid training for law enforcement officers and their vehicles are equipped with automated external defibrillators - AB447
Lawnmower Safety Week: June 20-26 proclaimed as - AJR65
Lawnmower Safety Week: June 20-26 proclaimed as - SJR47
Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created - AB445
Operating unregistered vehicles: declared state of emergency exception repealed; imminent public disaster, death, or great bodily harm exception created - SB437
Pepper spray use: exception for DOC employees acting in official capacity - AB826
Pepper spray use: exception for DOC employees acting in official capacity - SB845
Placement in juvenile detention facility as a sanction or short-term detention eliminated; public safety risk exception [Sec. 3121, 3126, 3127, 3202-3212, 9308 (3)] [original bill only] - AB68
Placement in juvenile detention facility as a sanction or short-term detention eliminated; public safety risk exception [Sec. 3121, 3126, 3127, 3202-3212, 9308 (3)] - SB111
Recklessly endangering the safety of a person incapacitated by alcohol or other drug: felony crime created; JRCCP may report - AB895
Residential dumbwaiters and elevators: inspections and disclosures in real estate transactions required, penalty provision - AB441
Residential elevator: notice of defects and remedies notification requirements - AB442
Residential elevators: landing door clearance distance requirements - AB443
Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: DMA to administer current and future systems [Sec. 2758-2760; A.Sub.Amdt.2: further revisions, RFP provisions, Sec. 390-392, 9131 (1)] - AB68
Statewide public safety interoperable communication system: DMA to administer current and future systems [Sec. 2758-2760] - SB111
Violence Prevention Month: May 2021 proclaimed as - AJR59
Violence Prevention Month: May 2021 proclaimed as - SJR33
public service commissionPublic Service Commission
Broadband expansion grant program changes re application, use of funds, and report - SB1097
Broadband expansion grant program changes re definition of “infrastructure,” report requirement, and LAB performance audit - SB1098
Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard, application evaluation criteria, challenge from Internet service provider and collecting certain data, and final report from recipient - AB371
Broadband expansion grant program: changes re infrastructure construction, speed standard, application evaluation criteria, challenge from Internet service provider and collecting certain data, and final report from recipient [S.Sub.Amdt.1: further revisions, challenge, final report from recipient, and collecting data from Internet service provider provisions removed] - SB365
Broadband expansion grant program funding - AB444
Broadband expansion grant program funding - SB439
Broadband expansion grant program funding [Sec. 281, 2421] [original bill only] - AB68
Broadband expansion grant program funding [Sec. 281, 2421] - SB111
Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority - AB1186
Broadband expansion grant program: PSC to give farms a priority - SB1105
Broadband expansion grants: allocating certain federal moneys for; report required - AB239